7:00 am Check-In & Morning Coffee

8:15 am Honorary Chair Opening Remarks

  • Alessio Ciulli Founder & Director - Centre Targeted Protein Degradation, Professor - Chemical & Structural Biology, University of Dundee

Visions for the Future of TPD & Beyond: The CEO Perspective

8:30 am Fireside Chat: TPD – Where Are We Now & Where Are We Going?


A sit down conversation with Kymera Therapeutics’ Chief Executive Officer, Nello Mainolfi on his thoughts on strategy, current roadblocks, and future directions for the targeted protein degradation field

9:00 am A Presentation on Arvinas’ State-of-Play & Fireside Chat


A sit down conversation with Arvinas’ Chief Executive Officer, John Houston on his thoughts on strategy, current roadblocks, and future directions for the targeted protein degradation field

9:30 am CEO Think Tank: A Strategic Look at Targeted Protein Degradation & Induced Proximity Field


  • Assessing what we are learning from clinical candidates
  • Considering pipeline prioritization for mid to large biotechs progressing multiple programs
  • Advice to fledging biotechs on advancing through discovery and enabling clinical success

10:00 am Panel Discussion: How Are Regulators & Industry Thinking About Degraders from a Safety Perspective in 2025?


  • What if anything has changed on the FDA side with regards regulation of degraders?
  • What is the clinical data telling us thus far for degraders in clinic?

10:30 am Morning Break & Speed Networking


With an international gathering of TPD & Induced Proximity experts, this valuable session will ensure you can reconnect with your peers in the room to make new and lasting connections. All attendees will have the opportunity to meet and network with their academic and industry colleagues!

Track A: Discovery

Accelerating the Rational Discovery & Design of Molecular Glues

Download the Full Event Guide for full details

11:30am: From Sequence to Glue: A Multi-Dimensional Journey in the Embedding Space

Arnout Schepers, Chief Executive Officer, TenAces Biosciences

12:00pm: Presentation Brought to You by NEOspehere Biotechnologies

Henrik Daub, Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, NEOsphere Biotechnologies

12:30pm: Networking Lunch Break

Accelerating the Rational Discovery & Design of Molecular Glues

Download the Full Event Guide for full details

1:30pm: Rational Design of Selective MGDs

Magnus Walter, Senior Vice President Drug Discovery, Monte Rosa Therapeutics

2:00pm: Presentation Brought to You by LifeSensors

Karteek Kadimisetty, Director, LifeSensors

2:20pm: Presentation Brought to You by SAI Life Science

Talk details TBC

2:30pm: Integrating AI technology with Physics-Based Approach to Consider
Thermodynamic Cycles of Ternary complex Formation for Molecular Glue Discovery

Keunsoo Kang, Co-Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Deargen Inc

3:00pm: Afternoon Break & Poster Session

Advanced Platforms for Discovering Novel E3 Ligands & E3 Ligases Rapidly

Download the Full Event Guide for full details

4:00pm: From a Needle in a Haystack to a Haystack of Needles: A Systematic Approach for Molecular Glues Discovery

Amine Sadok, Director, Induced Proximity Platform, Amgen

4:30pm: Harnessing Large-Scale Protein-Protein Interaction Data to Reveal Gluable E3 Ligase & Neo-Substrate Pairs

Randolph Lopez, Chief Technology Officer, A-Alpha Bio

5:00pm: Chair’s Closing Remarks

5:30pm: Annual TPD Awards & Drinks Reception

Track B: PreClinical
Track C: Translational/ Clinical